Cape Buffalo

Cape Buffalo


Present in 26 African Countries the Nile crocodile lurks in the water and banks of lakes, rivers, swamps and marshlands. Sharp shooters delight at the tough shot placement on the dangerous crocodile. Besides a tough shot- getting into a proper shooting position is key. Bring cold blooded, crocodiles warm themselves in the sun on the banks of their water source, this is the time a hunter must quickly, and quietly, get into position to shoot without alerting the croc or its nearby friends. If the croc gets spooked it will quickly disappear back into the water.



These formidable African buffaloes, known for their unpredictable nature and formidable strength, are hunted through a blend of careful observation and stealthy tracking. The process begins with the hunter meticulously scanning the dense brush and open savannah for signs of buffalo activity—such as fresh tracks or feeding signs. Once a group is located, the challenge becomes getting into a prime shooting position without spooking the herd. The buffalo's acute senses mean that even the slightest noise or movement can send them bolting across the landscape. Patience and precision are crucial; a sudden or clumsy approach can quickly send the buffalo scattering into the cover of the bush, making for a much more difficult hunt.



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